Monday, April 11, 2011

hommmmme sweet home...

I'm back TENNESSEE!!! well, just for a week so soak me up!! haha

SCHOOL ISSSSSS OVERRRR!!! well maybe I'm just in between semesters so next week- yikes!- marks the new spring semester.. Ok, I'm ready- bring it on school :) Actually, when I come home, there's not much to do... ok, I lied.. there could be tons for me to do, but I feel so lazy when I come home. It's movies, eat, sleep, yada yada yada.. so when I come from a lifestyle of constantly doing something and go to doing nothing, I go a little crazy. Know what I mean? And I NEVER watch tv in my apartment and it's so nice to have peace and quietness or have friends over and just have fun... but here it's a background noise so I'm going a little crazy. I can't collect my thoughts!! haha.. yes, I'm definitely going crazy.

The good news is that I AM here with my family. I got to fly home for a whole week and see everyone (especially my sisters big ole pregnant belly which I'm OBSESSED with haha) not all my friends got to come home. I get to go to two baby showers, see some besties, and take some much needed movies and adorable house decorations back with me :) I'm somewhat lovin' this weather because it feels like I took a vacay to Florida :) Yeah, compared to a high of 50 degrees being a treat, it doesn't take much to feel like a vacay :)

So I'm glad I got to get on my beloved blog to show spread the love. Someday when I'm married and have kids I'll be an avid blogger.. shoot I don't know.. I think I just stereotyped awesome bloggers, but I'm just so jealous!! haha Everyone has such cutesy little ideas with their blogs... really, MY LIFE IS COOL TOO!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

cuteness to come

this poor little blog needs a makeover... maintenance will soon follow (hopefully).. Meanwhile.. I should head to class.. eww.. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

i neeeeeeed a puppy

Look at her! Isn't she absolutely ADORABLE?! :) well, her name is Hershey and she's a little chocolate lab.. and... she's.not.mine! :( I'm so sad! She just came over for a little visit and was getting a home the next morning, but if animals were allowed at my apartment, I'd be all over buying her. Little Hershey made my week, and therefore, I need a puppy. That is all.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

look before you speak..

So last night my friend Susie and I are walking home from our 2nd volleyball game (slaughtered.. yet again, but who's cryin, eh? haha) ps- she's DANG hilarious. Our 10-15 minute walk home nearly had me peeing in my britches because of the chain of events. First off, she looked homeless so I had to get a picture.... buuuuuut I can't get it on here so until then, let's use our imaginations, shall we? :) On top of looking homeless, we were talking about this guy and how one of us thinks he's cute and the other one likes to act like she likes him to make it awkward and then we're chatting on how we want to set him up with our roommates (2 different apt.. competition! Let the games begin!) and yes, yada yada yada we're talking it up and then we hear someone make a phone call behind us... ohhhhhh shoot. It's the dude. We both snap a shocked look at each other and try to hide our freaked out reaction from him... but it's all good. We tested the distance with how loud we were talking and nada.. there's no WAY he could hear a thing. HA! That wasn't what sparked my blog, but it works with my title.. ha.. goes to show I really do need to LOOK before I speak.

Ok, so Susie and I are cutting through the guys apt parking lot and to get to ours, there's this big snow bank/mountain in between but no worries, we've just made a pathway with what are now icy steps to kinda jump up. So we're coming to our little crossover part and there's these two guys and a girl coming through. VISUAL: The two guys are pretty built but it was one guy and the girl helping this other guy slowly down the hill. Like, REALLY slowly... they're like, holding his hands and everything helping him down. Coming to this situation, he just looks scared to come down what's really a couple feet by himself... not to mention by this point, he's aboooouuuuuuuttttttt 5 inches from the ground. So I'm looking at this with a puzzled look and I just say "Oh just jump already..." Then right after, I look down and the guy has a broken leg!! LOL!!! My eyes got huge and I busted out laughing. I was like, Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't even see that!! Good thing they laughed too because I would've felt worse if they were mean about it. I ended with a "Situations like those are stories of my life"... Oh man, great night. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

She's ALIVE!

yep- tis true... I'm BACK! :) Remember that one time I said I was so excited about my new blog life?? (oh you don't, huh? just scroll down it's only like 2 or 3 posts away.. shoot- you may not even need to scroll! haha) K, anyways, so this is pretty much what my regular journal is like.. I really love to write and share lots of details with what's going on with  me, but then I don't.. and then FOREVER goes by... and here we sit today in such a situation :)

So, I'm back in Rexburg!!! Christmas was SOOO great. Definitely not long enough, but a small part of me was excited to get back to Idaho (oh definitely not for the constant snow&ice and below freezing.. with the frequent visits of NEGATIVE temps).. but for friends and the faster I finish up school the BETTER. Another highlight over the break was my night out with my best friends from way back when. That was a girls night gone RIGHT for the three of us hahaha... am I right or am I right?? But we started reading Vampire Academy and the goal was to blog about our little book club... I nominate myself as the slacker of the bunch, but when it comes to reading, I think I'm moving right along with everyone else!! Ps- Vampire Academy!! AMAZING! and I really feel like it's one of the best kept secrets right now with great reads. I'm waiting for February 22nd for the 5th book (oh it's already out and it's KILLING me) but the 22nd is when the paperback is published and since I already have all paperbacks, why jump too soon and have the last two books to be mismatched. Call me picky! Hmm... I'm thinking a whole separate post solely on VA.

Alrighty- classes.. yeah, I'm already over them hahaha.. I really like most everything I'm taking. I have 2 religion classes (Book of Mormon and Family History) Love them both. I mean, I've already read The Book of Mormon a bajillion times- WAY better than VA, but then again VA is fictional and BOM isn't. But the class is just really cool because it's like Sunday school because we study even harder than just regular reading. Savor every bit! And then family history is just cool because I'm required to search my ancestors and get my genealogy squared away as much as I can while learning all these skills with different programs. Exciting!! .. let's see, then I have a business class where I have to make a website of want I want to do (So I made two websites but I'm not gonna give out the sites just yet bc it's not official, just business class stuff- one is for chiropractics and the other is my (drum roll please....) Wedding Boutique!! Kalina's!!!) Then I have World Foundations with the spunkiest teacher I've EVER had. I mean, he did a somersault the first day for cryin' out loud haha.. He's a nut, but really fun. Math class is interesting because I haven't taken a legit math class since senior year (ps, if you're counting that's pretty much 6 years... shut it) but it's not too bad.. the good thing is it's called Math for the Real World so it's a bunch of practical stuff instead of the boring stuff you're forced to waste time on in high school... or really, almost any other math class for that matter. Micro Econ is online and I don't know what possessed me- wait, yes I do- LAZINESS... I didn't want to walk to my class one day so I dropped it and signed up for the same thing but online... Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Online classes for me are like, out of sight, out of mind... therefore I completely forget I have it.. But I'm getting a little better.. Oh, and sad day- I signed up for a flower arranging class and was pumped beyond all means, but get there and the class is INTENSE!! It's a big deal and I decided I'll give it a whirl another semester when I'm more prepared for it...But that's school... But the coolest part is what I'm volunteering for...

I'm with our Center Stage board of directors (ok, maybe I added the "directors" part- it just sounded cool) but we really are a board of about 10 of us who get together and plan out the performances on campus... what concerts we want, keeping the artists happy when they're in town, promote the shows, and announce the shows.... it's a TON of stuff, but so fun. I've always wondered what it would be like behind the scene of concerts and stuff and thought about doing that as a profession so this gives me the feel and yeah, I think I'm going to stick with business. I mean, it looks sweet on resumes and stuff, but I'm just going to have fun this semester with it. I've got good friends on the board with me and I've met lots more people on campus because of it.

K, I better get to bed.. it ain't the weekend yet! Oh, ps one more time- volleyball game tomorrow night! what!what!! We're totally gonna lose, but I'm PUMPED!! hahaha..
Shout out to TN and Italy!!! love you!!!