Saturday, February 19, 2011

i neeeeeeed a puppy

Look at her! Isn't she absolutely ADORABLE?! :) well, her name is Hershey and she's a little chocolate lab.. and... she's.not.mine! :( I'm so sad! She just came over for a little visit and was getting a home the next morning, but if animals were allowed at my apartment, I'd be all over buying her. Little Hershey made my week, and therefore, I need a puppy. That is all.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

look before you speak..

So last night my friend Susie and I are walking home from our 2nd volleyball game (slaughtered.. yet again, but who's cryin, eh? haha) ps- she's DANG hilarious. Our 10-15 minute walk home nearly had me peeing in my britches because of the chain of events. First off, she looked homeless so I had to get a picture.... buuuuuut I can't get it on here so until then, let's use our imaginations, shall we? :) On top of looking homeless, we were talking about this guy and how one of us thinks he's cute and the other one likes to act like she likes him to make it awkward and then we're chatting on how we want to set him up with our roommates (2 different apt.. competition! Let the games begin!) and yes, yada yada yada we're talking it up and then we hear someone make a phone call behind us... ohhhhhh shoot. It's the dude. We both snap a shocked look at each other and try to hide our freaked out reaction from him... but it's all good. We tested the distance with how loud we were talking and nada.. there's no WAY he could hear a thing. HA! That wasn't what sparked my blog, but it works with my title.. ha.. goes to show I really do need to LOOK before I speak.

Ok, so Susie and I are cutting through the guys apt parking lot and to get to ours, there's this big snow bank/mountain in between but no worries, we've just made a pathway with what are now icy steps to kinda jump up. So we're coming to our little crossover part and there's these two guys and a girl coming through. VISUAL: The two guys are pretty built but it was one guy and the girl helping this other guy slowly down the hill. Like, REALLY slowly... they're like, holding his hands and everything helping him down. Coming to this situation, he just looks scared to come down what's really a couple feet by himself... not to mention by this point, he's aboooouuuuuuuttttttt 5 inches from the ground. So I'm looking at this with a puzzled look and I just say "Oh just jump already..." Then right after, I look down and the guy has a broken leg!! LOL!!! My eyes got huge and I busted out laughing. I was like, Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't even see that!! Good thing they laughed too because I would've felt worse if they were mean about it. I ended with a "Situations like those are stories of my life"... Oh man, great night. :)