Monday, December 13, 2010

squeaky clean!

So Cami and I did a laundry date and ps laundry time is CRAYzeh on Mondays. And another ps for ya- I live in mens housing this semester bc of girl overload at BYU-I. Guys usually leave their clothes in the washers and dryers and for a time, they would take other peoples stuff out if they've been in there forever. Then, these signs were put up that said to not remove clothes that aren't yours. Well naturally, I read that once.. a long time ago and then my memory of that sign is more along the lines of, Keep clothes moving if you don't want them sitting out. :) So when Cami and I take our clothes, there's 3 washers that are done and just have clothes in them. I'm debating whether or not to take out one load bc its just shirts and stuff but I was so nervous I would get caught by the dude who owned them. Cami jokes about how what if they're our FHE brothers clothes and I'm like yeah whatever.. then I take them out and she's like, ha they look like his clothes... still, I'm like shush... so I took them out really fast and put mine in.. running over to the opposite side of washers to look innocent and low and behold... he walks in and.. they ARE his dang clothes! Hahahaha! I'm mouthing what the crap?! so naturally the awkward moments roll on where he sees that the washers have been opened and later discovers his clothes are moved... I'm so embarrassed! But he deserves the ultimate good guy award bc he was just joking it up with us... along with pointing out the sign that says, PLEASE do NOT remove clothes from the washer/dryer that are not yours.... shoot I could've sworn that sign said something different! But what are the dang odds?!? Ahhh.. laundry.. learned MY lesson
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a new day of school... the LAST week of the semester! :)

ok, so I'm definitely pumped about all this blogging in my future! HA! So, my roommate Cami and I watched that super old tv show Dinosaurs last night after I gave her a funny look and said "Not the mama! Not the mama!" hahaha.. and turns out, she used to watch that show in Portuguese! What the?! :) so, we watch an episode last night... went to bed at like 2 am... I dreamed about my new blog.. and we both get ready for class about 6 hours later. So I'm walking Cami to class (it's like I'm the dude or something haha) and I'm seeing 2 different people from my Psychology class trickle down from the building class is in... so I'm like, Oh shoot no- I did not just walk all the way up this hill to class and now I'm turning back around... so I keep walking...and yep, there's the rest of my class. I hope my teacher just wasn't there today and I didn't miss out on some points or something.. Cross your fingers! :) So here I am- back at home. I turned on some Christmas music because it's definitely a Christmas world out here in Idaho. Snow GALORE. I'm trying to be positive about my class cancellation and productive at the same time (therefore- I get on my blog haha).. but also, I've got some good study time to get in for finals at the end of the week. Wish me luck!

a whole new world!!

Oh my gosh I love it here!! haha... having a new blog is like getting new outfits... you just can't get enough of your new clothes and you have to wear all of your new outfits every day... or in this case, a new page design every hour :)

So, I started this little shin-dig because apparently all the cool people in this world are doin' it. I watched the movie Julie & Julia before Thanksgiving and that's a whole lot of bloggin'... and then my future roomie made a blog and is OBSESSED.. and then I found out that two of my best friends.. who are now friends are blog-maniacs... so, I wanted to join the fun! seriously.. if  only you could see my face right now... :)

it's about like this..  and that's my oven... it was SO dang cold in my apartment... but this is ABOUT what my face looks like right now because oh how I love life. hahaha