Monday, December 13, 2010

a new day of school... the LAST week of the semester! :)

ok, so I'm definitely pumped about all this blogging in my future! HA! So, my roommate Cami and I watched that super old tv show Dinosaurs last night after I gave her a funny look and said "Not the mama! Not the mama!" hahaha.. and turns out, she used to watch that show in Portuguese! What the?! :) so, we watch an episode last night... went to bed at like 2 am... I dreamed about my new blog.. and we both get ready for class about 6 hours later. So I'm walking Cami to class (it's like I'm the dude or something haha) and I'm seeing 2 different people from my Psychology class trickle down from the building class is in... so I'm like, Oh shoot no- I did not just walk all the way up this hill to class and now I'm turning back around... so I keep walking...and yep, there's the rest of my class. I hope my teacher just wasn't there today and I didn't miss out on some points or something.. Cross your fingers! :) So here I am- back at home. I turned on some Christmas music because it's definitely a Christmas world out here in Idaho. Snow GALORE. I'm trying to be positive about my class cancellation and productive at the same time (therefore- I get on my blog haha).. but also, I've got some good study time to get in for finals at the end of the week. Wish me luck!

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